What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Sunday, August 02, 2015

ZPE 195 (2015)

Albarrán Martínez, M. J., Un reçu de διάγραφον de la collection de la Sorbonne 202

Aly, Sh. A., Eight Greek Tax Receipts from Elephantine 171

Armoni, Ch. – Backhuys, Th., κακινκάκως 190

Baker, P. – Thériault, G., Note sur le décret béotien SEG 26, 130, l. 10 82 – Notes anthroponymiques sur huit inscriptions xanthiennes 115

Bastianini, G. – Maltomini, F., Etopea di Alessandro alla morte di Dario (rilettura di P.Oxy. I 79 verso) 38 

Berkes, L., Großgrundbesitzer im byzantinischen Oxyrhynchos: Bemerkungen zum Apionen-Archiv 219

Caldelli, M. L. – Slavich, C., Fasti di un collegio ostiense a Civitavecchia e altri inediti 259

Chankowski, A. S., Le terme δόγμα comme synonyme du terme ψήφισμα: à propos du décret de la tribu Akamantis SEG 23 (1968), n° 78, l. 1–12 (Reinmuth, Eph.Inscr. 1, l. 1–12), du décret de Latmos SEG 47 (1997), n° 1563 et du décret de Nagidos SEG 39 (1989), n° 1426, l. 19–56 91

Christol, M., Sur l’épitaphe d’un légionnaire de l’armée d’Egypte (AE 2002, 1590a) 297

Cromwell, J., Coptic Writing Exercises in the Petrie Museum with a Concordance of its Published Coptic Texts 205

Curbera, J., Seven Curse Tablets from the Collection of Richard Wünsch 143

Daris, S., Addendum a P.Daris 47 200

Decorte, R., Publishing Laws: an Investigation of Layout and Epigraphic Conventions in Roman Statutes 243

Demirer, Ü. – Kraus, Th. J., Ein Bronze-Amulett aus Kibyra mit Reiterheiligem und griechischem Psalm 90,1 58

Duval, N., Probability in the Ancient Greek World: New Considerations from Astragalomantic Inscriptions in South Anatolia 127

Eck, W. – Holder, P. – Pangerl, A. – Weiß, P., Ein überraschendes Phänomen: Neue Zeugen in zwei Diplomen für die Truppen von Moesia inferior vom 11. Oktober 146 222

Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., Eine Konstitution für die Truppen von Dacia inferior vom 16. Juni 123 unter dem Präsidialprokurator Cocceius Naso und weitere diplomata militaria 231

Gonzales, M., The Honorary Decrees of the Aglaurion (IG II3 1,5 1373, SEG 33.115, and NM 2947) 75

Gräf, B., Zwei Inschriften des Septimius Severus aus Ladenburg: neue Denkmäler aus altbekannten Fragmenten 283

de Haro Sanchez, M., Between Magic and Medicine: The Iatromagical Formularies and Medical Receptaries on Papyri Compared 179

Jim, Th. S. F., Can Soteira Be Named? The Problem of the Bare Trans-Divine Epithet 63 

Johnston, A. C., Another Early Fragmentary Public Inscription from Gabii 255

Jones, C. P., A Letter of Septimius Severus to the City of Syedra 121

Kotyl, M., A New Homeric Papyrus: Iliad VII on Codex Leaf 1

Kruschwitz, P., Three Short Notes on RIB 955 = CLE 1597 295

Lanérès, N., Retour sur deux inscriptions laconiennes: IG V 1, 1317 et IG V 1, 1316 107

Levin-Richardson, S., Calos graffiti and infames at Pompeii 274

Liapis, V., On the Oracular Lamella 2430–2432 from Dodona 85

 Litinas, N., The Nile and its Deltas in Achilles Tatius 44

Luginbill, R. D., Alcman: P.Oxy. 2389, fr. 23 10

Marmouri, Kh., Un couple consulaire à Gigthis: à propos de CIL VIII, 22716 301

Martínez Fernández, A., Un nuevo epitafio de Aptera (Creta) 99

McDonald, K. – Tagliapietra, L. – Zair, N., New Readings of the Multilingual Petelia Curse Tablet 157

Pajón Leyra, I. – Sánchez Muñoz, L., The Magnetic Stone of Posidippus’ Poem Nr. 17: The Earliest Description of Magnetic Polarity in Hellenistic Egypt 30

Prauscello, L. – Ucciardello, G., Sappho 88 Voigt (P.Oxy. 2290 + P.Oxy. 4411): a Re-Appraisal 13

Salem, N. A., Loan of Grain between a Man from an Epoikion and another from Oxyrhynchos 166

Sheppard, A., Reconsidering a Loan Inscription from Epidauros 104

Worp, K. A., Christian Personal Names in Documents from Kellis (Dakhleh Oasis) 193

Corrigendum zu ZPE 194, 131 (Epigraphische Randnotizen Nr. 13) 142